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Our Mentors
Yasha Jeltuhin
Priya Soneji
Our Coach
Vipul Soneji
Meet Our Team!
Neerav Soneji
11th Grade
President, Builder, CAD Designer, and Driver
Jahaan Lalwani
12th Grade
Co-President, Builder, Sponsorships, Website Developer, Social Media Marketing and Human Player
Shreyan Ghelani
12th Grade
Co-President, Sponsorship Leader and
Outreach Leader
Damodar Ezhilmuthu
12th Grade
Supreme Programming Leader
Krish Kochhar
12th Grade
Outreach, Sponsorships, and Fundraising
Oliver Thor Begali
12th Grade
Outreach, Sponsorships, and Fundraising
Nikhil Perera
Builder and Pit Designer
12th Grade
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